Funds do not expire. If available funds remain on your card after the valid thru date, call customer service to obtain a replacement card at no cost. Not redeemable for cash, except as required by law. Card cannot be used at merchants requiring a manual card imprint. Card cannot be used to make pre-authorized or recurring bill payments. This Visa Gift Card is not refundable at retail stores. Card is not reloadable. Additional Guidelines may apply. To view the complete Cardholder Agreement, for cardholder services and balance inquiries, or to set your PIN for PIN debit purchases only (no cash or ATM access), visit or call toll-free 1 (888) 524-1283. Distributed and Serviced by Blackhawk Network California, Inc. This Card is issued by Pathward, N.A., Member FDIC, pursuant to a license from Visa U.S.A.